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Hello!  My name is Phoebe, and I am a photographer currently based in Los Angeles, CA.  Here you'll find both a mix of my work, my personal life, and any other tidbits I find interesting.

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Results tagged “Lost” from Phoebe Chuason Blog

For the first few years of his life, my cousin was obsessed with Thomas the train.  He collected Thomas and all his friends, and rolled them around a little track lined with houses and signs.  Though now he plays football and other more "manlier" sports, every time I see trains I think about my cousin and Thomas the train.

Though Tony and I have been back in Los Angeles for about three months now, we haven't spent as much time as we'd like exploring.  There is something immensely satisfying about getting lost (or as "lost" as you can possibly get with a GPS) and finding something new.  At least new to us.  So when we found these old trains, we (ok.. I) got really excited and made a pit stop.


We also saw Naveen Andrews there, watching his son in the play area.  Tony got really excited about it because he had been faithfully embroiled in the plot twists and turns of Lost for years now, but after pacing around like dorks for a good ten minutes we finally decided to be grown up about it and not bother him.  We just consoled ourselves with some good old buttered popcorn.
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Janet Krouse:

I would have loved to see pics of Naveen and his son playing there, they are so cute together as father and son, but I love even more how respectful you were to Naveen and allowing him to have uninterupted "Daddy" time. How lovely!

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