about_4.jpg Welcome
Hello!  My name is Phoebe, and I am a photographer currently based in Los Angeles, CA.  Here you'll find both a mix of my work, my personal life, and any other tidbits I find interesting.

Want to see more of my work?  Please check out the galleries on my website.  Thanks for stopping by!

I just realized, as I was putting up this title, how austere it sounds. It is a far cry from the playful family that I met on Sunday. I walked around a bit before meeting them. Woodbridge is my old stomping ground, I played here a lot as a child.
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I also saw some bird nests wedged up against the underside of the bridge.
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Here is a shot of James looking extremely handsome (and sleepy) in his hat and little vest. Children's clothing is hard to resist in general, they are so cute even I want to buy them, and we don't even have any kids!

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The laughing attempt to smush her mom's face even closer than they already were.

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Two year olds are definitely not known for their cooperative nature. When we were taking a group photo Olivia ran away saying, "You can't catch me!" But she did it in such an adorable way I could resist snapping a shot of her mischievous face.
Finally we got it done right:
But just in case... here was another one.

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Olivia loves to be chased.

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