about_4.jpg Welcome
Hello!  My name is Phoebe, and I am a photographer currently based in Los Angeles, CA.  Here you'll find both a mix of my work, my personal life, and any other tidbits I find interesting.

Want to see more of my work?  Please check out the galleries on my website.  Thanks for stopping by!
The key to success is learning to listen to the right voice.  What exactly that one voice is is dependent on faith, circumstances, or even the moment.  All my life I've been plagued with indecision, listening to so many voices that sometimes I end up not making a choice at all, and merely play it safe.

I was hiking with a friend on Friday, and she told me that she was lucky having people around her who take risks.  I asked her who those people were, and was surprised to learn that one of the people she included on that list was me.  Starting something new in the face of troubled economic times is not the wisest decision in anyone's book, even if it is to do something you love.  I find that really ironic that since starting my photography business, I have never been more beset by doubts.

But what I was thinking about is that fifty years from now, when you look back on your life, it won't be about wishing you had played it safer.  It'll be about the moments that made it all worth it.  And that means having a little more idealism, and learning to listen to the right voice.  It means working hard towards all your goals, but enjoying the moment and not letting fear and worry overtake your life.

Here's to hoping that everyone had a wonderful fourth of July, which earmarks a slightly unbelievable event driven by ideals.  Here's to hoping that despite tough economic times we are still worrying less and living more. And also a little thank you to everyone who has ever encouraged me, and helped me find that right voice at the right time.  Hope you had a great meal with friends and family. :)

** The shot below was taken at a friend's house, lying on the grass watching fireworks light up the sky.  I loved watching a flag she had mounted on the side of her house rippling beside the impressive pyrotechnic display.

fourth of july.jpg

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Awesome picture!
