A few days ago I drove a hundred and seventy five miles to San Luis Obispo to attend one of Mike Larson's three day photography workshops and came away refreshed and inspired. I met a group of people who were open and passionate about what they do, and had a desire to build not only their business but their character as well. It was a great learning and sharing experience. It almost made being cooped up all day worth it (which is hard to do on a gorgeous day in SLO). However, Kelly and I still managed to get out for a bit. Below is an image from our foray to the wall of weird gross. The infamous bubble gum alley had a a cloyingly sweet smell, evidence of recent additions.

Here are a few images from the workshop, courtesy of some really fun engaged and married couples who were kind enough to face the constant stream of shutters from about seventeen cameras (no small feat, seriously).

And just to spice things up, Mike did his trademark camera toss at the end of the second day of our workshop. Definitely not for the faint of heart. Video courtesy of Evandro.
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Hey, that's me up top! ;) Bubble gum alley is going to haunt me forever. Ew.
(02.26.10)I'm so glad that you came to the workshop. It wouldn't have been the same without you there!
Great images, Phoebe. I love how you see! Love the ones of Danielle especially.