Ron and Aileen were married in picturesque Westlake Village
Inn in front of a small gathering of close family and friends. It was very touching to see all of their friends and family pull together for their beautiful, intimate wedding.

When the ring bearers came down the aisle, one of them said very seriously to me, "Watch out, the bubbles!" So cute. Apparently he was worried for my camera.

Love the cool shades (bride) and goofy expressions (ringbearers)

When the ring bearers came down the aisle, one of them said very seriously to me, "Watch out, the bubbles!" So cute. Apparently he was worried for my camera.

Love the cool shades (bride) and goofy expressions (ringbearers)

I knew they were a stylish couple from their engagement session, but it was amazing to see all of the details and DIY touches in their wedding. My favorite is this amazing photobooth, which Ron built from scratch (with help from Aileen).

Thanks so much Ron and Aileen for having us
out. Congratulations!
Thanks also to Kelly for assisting. :)
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WOW! Beautiful shots!!! Love them. :)
(05.01.10)not biased or anything... but u take amazing photos! :)