April showers seem to have made an early appearance this
year, so while I'm waiting out the rain, here are a few pictures from the
endlessly fascinating city that is Las Vegas.
I went there this past February for WPPI, which was a great time to
learn, be inspired, and also have a little fun.

We also ventured out a bit to Red Rock Canyon just as the
sun was setting to take a few pics. Here
are a few images of the lovely Kelly, more images later.

I heard that it had snowed in California while people were
on their way to WPPI, but unfortunately I missed it. However, I did get to catch an encore
performance. Flurries of snow pelted a
portion of the 15 freeway on my drive back.
The desert is remarkably beautiful when covered in snow.

And because I can never seem to get enough of Vegas, I
recently committed my most impulsive act of the year (so far) -- I signed up for the
Rock n' Roll marathon in Las Vegas. The
half/full marathon is an idea that I've tossing around for
about a year now. That combined with the
lure of nighttime Vegas lights and music made this difficult for my compulsive nature to resist. And along the way I've collected a few hardy
friends and family willing to run their first marathon right along with
me. Misery certainly loves a whole lot
of company. J