about_4.jpg Welcome
Hello!  My name is Phoebe, and I am a photographer currently based in Los Angeles, CA.  Here you'll find both a mix of my work, my personal life, and any other tidbits I find interesting.

Want to see more of my work?  Please check out the galleries on my website.  Thanks for stopping by!

I first "met" the lovely Rachel from That's Chic while shopping online, first as a featured blogger on Modcloth and later on on Coach as part of their holiday campaign.  I love that she and a hearty collection of fashionable bloggers (like Sartorialist and Glamourai just to name a few) constantly force you to rethink your notions on style.  Here are a few pics from a very quick session with her.

Rachel - That's Chic.jpg

Listed below are links to blogs that reference this entry: Rachel from That's Chic . TrackBack URL for this entry: http://phoebejoyphotography.com/darkroom/mt/mt-tb.cgi/170


Wonderful series of Rachel here! Just checked out her blog - she's got such a great style!
