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Hello!  My name is Phoebe, and I am a photographer currently based in Los Angeles, CA.  Here you'll find both a mix of my work, my personal life, and any other tidbits I find interesting.

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Results tagged “Las Vegas” from Phoebe Chuason Blog


April showers seem to have made an early appearance this year, so while I'm waiting out the rain, here are a few pictures from the endlessly fascinating city that is Las Vegas.  I went there this past February for WPPI, which was a great time to learn, be inspired, and also have a little fun.

Las Vegas - WPPI- Cosmopolitan -2.jpg

Las Vegas - WPPI-1.jpg

Las Vegas - airplane & blazers.jpg

Las Vegas - WPPI-Cosmopolitan - 3.jpg

Las Vegas - WPPI- Cosmopolitan - 4.jpg

We also ventured out a bit to Red Rock Canyon just as the sun was setting to take a few pics.  Here are a few images of the lovely Kelly, more images later.

Las Vegas - WPPI-Red Rock -5.jpg

Las Vegas - WPPI-Red Rock - 6.jpg

Las Vegas - WPPI-7.jpg

I heard that it had snowed in California while people were on their way to WPPI, but unfortunately I missed it.  However, I did get to catch an encore performance.  Flurries of snow pelted a portion of the 15 freeway on my drive back.  The desert is remarkably beautiful when covered in snow. 

Las Vegas - WPPI-snow - 8.jpg

And because I can never seem to get enough of Vegas, I recently committed my most impulsive act of the year (so far) -- I signed up for the Rock n' Roll marathon in Las Vegas.   The half/full marathon is an idea that I've tossing around for about a year now.  That combined with the lure of nighttime Vegas lights and music made this difficult for my compulsive nature to resist.  And along the way I've collected a few hardy friends and family willing to run their first marathon right along with me.  Misery certainly loves a whole lot of company. J

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After Playa del Carmen I packed up my bags again and started my drive to Las Vegas.  It was a gorgeous gorgeous day for a drive, the clouds were lovely and there was (still) snow in the mountains.  A double rainbow broke out after a small bout of rain just as Tony's favorite U2 song came on, and it was one of those moments when you felt really blessed to be alive.  :) 


WPPI was an amazing experience.  It was very inspiring to be in the same room with people who truly truly love the craft.  I roomed with Kati and we had a great time, she wrote a really great entry about it which kind of sums it all up.  Sadly all my ambitious plans of shooting around Vegas went to dust from the slew of platform classes and events.  As soon as I drove home on Thursday the first thing I did was fall asleep pass out on the couch from exhaustion.

My parents were also in town, and I was so glad to be able to spend a few moments with them.  There's nothing like a few continents of separation to make you remember how good it is when your family is around.  My dad joked that I got all my photography interests from him, and I think that's true enough, my dad is never without his camera.

After Vegas Tony and I were able to attend Dave and Sharon's beautiful wedding at the Atheneum in Pasadena.  The talented team of Orange Turtle Photography  covered their wedding, but I still shot a few images of the gals prepping before putting away my camera for the night.  When I arrived the music was playing and everyone was very relaxed, Sharon was the most mellow, relaxed bride I have ever seen .   I made some promises to certain bridesmaids that I wouldn't post certain pictures, so here are a few of the other images:



I love the adorable bridesmaid shoes.





Sharon made a gorgeous bride.  I love the goofiness of this picture when they were deciding on "poses."  The girls are fun. :)







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