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Jason & Stephanie engagement
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Santa Monica Bay Women's Club wedding: Jordan & Joris
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Several weeks ago I spent a few days in Half Moon Bay, which was a relief from the rash of hot weather we'd been experiencing in Los Angeles. We were at the Ritz Carlton for a very worthwhile benefit, but it was also a good time to just get away a little. I love that Half Moon Bay seems perpetually shrouded in fog. I hopped on a bike for the first time in seven years, and after a slightly wobbly start we managed to bike all the way down several beaches and back. But I think I spent most of my time just curled up in an Adirondack chair watching the waves during the day and the glow of the fire pits at night.
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Travelogue: Half Moon Bay
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Bel Air Bay Club wedding: Paul & Tania
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It may be fall everywhere else in the United States but with the heat here it still sometimes feels like summer. All photos were taken with my phone, which has lately been the medium of choice for these spontaneous trips.

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endless summer
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I LOVE these photos!! Nice job!
(12.03.12)I love the way you capture colors Joy! Keep up the good work.
(12.04.12)These are gorgeous. Such wonderful use of lighting!!
(02.08.13)They love each other very deeply .
(05.13.16)The embrace each other very deelly .