Almost squatting among cacti chasing two jogging girls while laden with equipment.. those were just a few humorous stories for this rather sweet proposal. John's elaborate ruse even involved Diana dropping him off at the airport for a supposed trip, all in order to properly surprise her at his hilltop proposal.

Thanks Phoebe! We had lots of fun during the shoot. The pictures are great!
(10.09.11)very cute! i love the pile of leaves photo :)

If the old adage that rain on a wedding day brings good luck
to a couple, then Jeff and Nadia were off to a wonderful start on the morning
of their wedding. A few brief showers later, their day cleared beautifully as they spoke their vows
at the gorgeous Rancho De Las Palmas.

Jeff is a fan of McDonalds (they even incorporated it in their first engagement session), so that morning Nadia bought some for him (and the rest of the wedding party, of course).

Congratulations Jeff and Nadia!
.... teared up a bit when I saw the photos :) That day was a blur to me and you captured the best of it. Love all the photos!! You're just amazing. THANK YOU, Phoebe!!
(09.26.11)great job Phoebe! Beautiful wedding... congrats Nad/Jeff!

so beautiful! when were you in norway??

You really captured the essence of our wedding...Thank you.
(09.22.11)Your photography style is very artistic. I love the details you included, the play of light on your subjects, & mixing black/white shots. Would have love to see some traditional pictures of guests while dinning on tables. PS. Do you have individual picture of the sponsors walking at the church. I'm an interested sponsor who wants to order but can't find any. I m also interested in the group picture outside the church. Plz advice. Thank you. 10/3/11.
(10.03.11)Beautiful wedding and colors,
How was the weather in Sept 22nd, was it hot or perfect, we are looking for that place around that date
Hi, what church is that? Thanks

What a cute proposal! I love the haziness in these pictures showing the effects of nature. :)
(10.15.11)Hello phoebe , really your a great professional photographer .