I have spent more days than I care to remember glued to my computer, so this past Saturday Tony and I decided to trek out to Santa Barbara for a little r & r. The moody weather was a little less than ideal, but Santa Barbara was still lovely. The wildflower blooming en masse along the highway is a wonderful reminder that its spring.

We lined up early and reaped our rewards at La Super-Rica Taqueria, a modest little Mexican
restaurant that was made famous by Julia Child. I love the handmade tortillas.

We also went along Stearns Pier, and one must admire the sheer tenacity of this pier, which was repeatedly rebuilt despite three fires.

After Playa del Carmen I packed up my bags again
and started
my drive to Las Vegas. It was a gorgeous
gorgeous day for a drive, the clouds were lovely and there was (still)
snow in
the mountains. A double rainbow broke
out after a small bout of rain just as Tony's favorite U2 song came on,
and it
was one of those moments when you felt really blessed to be alive. :)

WPPI was an amazing experience. It
was very inspiring to be in the same room
with people who truly
truly love the craft. I roomed with Kati and we
had a great time, she wrote a really great entry about
it which kind of sums it all up. Sadly all my ambitious plans of
shooting around
Vegas went to dust from the slew of platform classes and events. As soon as I drove home on Thursday the first
thing I did was fall asleep pass out on the couch from
My parents were also in town, and I was so glad to be able to spend a few moments with them. There's nothing like a few continents of separation to make you remember how good it is when your family is around. My dad joked that I got all my photography interests from him, and I think that's true enough, my dad is never without his camera.
After Vegas Tony and I were able to attend Dave and
Sharon's beautiful wedding at the Atheneum in Pasadena. The talented team of Orange Turtle
Photography covered their wedding, but I
still shot a few images of the gals prepping before putting away my
camera for
the night. When I arrived the music was
playing and everyone was very relaxed, Sharon was the most mellow,
bride I have ever seen . I made some
promises to certain bridesmaids that I wouldn't post certain pictures,
so here
are a few of the other images:

I love the adorable bridesmaid shoes.

Sharon made a gorgeous bride. I love the goofiness of
this picture when they were deciding on "poses." The girls are fun. :)

This is beautiful! I love your eye, you see things so differently, it's fantastic I saw your website and it's great!!

Hey, that's me up top! ;) Bubble gum alley is going to haunt me forever. Ew.
I'm so glad that you came to the workshop. It wouldn't have been the same without you there!
Great images, Phoebe. I love how you see! Love the ones of Danielle especially.

When Tony and I rolled into San Francisco late Thursday night we were pretty tired but excited. Even the trip over was a bit adventurous, courtesy of a late day at work and our beloved Los Angeles traffic. To make a long story short, we actually squeaked into a flight we were already resigned to missing.
Tony was busy for part of Friday, so I wandered around the ferry building and took some pictures. The weather was gorgeous, moody but dry, with patches of glorious sun. A day wandering around San Francisco can look a little something like this.

Pacman on building windows and funny, toothy statues, how could I resist taking pictures?
me: Tony, can you come a little closer please? Ok.. good. Can you tilt your head a little this way? Make a face.
Tony: Like this?
me: Yes, perfect. <click>
Tony: What was that for?
me: ... nothing.

The man inside smiled and waved after he caught me snapping a shot. Tony still thinks I am a stalker. But don't leave doors open where I can peek inside them if you don't want your picture taken.

All in all, it was a pleasant (partially rainy) weekend around the Bay area filled with good friends and good food. I got to see Kelly and Andrew's fabulous pad, tried to "read" a book to a toddler, and had my Hong Kong style food craving fulfilled. On Sunday we boarded back onto the plane and bid adieu... for now. :)

Lovely. :) Thanks for the tip about Hyde Street Pier. I visited last week, but they had already closed the gates. I'll have to check it out again soon.
See you on Sunday!
(02.11.10)Wow, those were some nice shots from the plane! Maybe I'll try to stay awake next time we fly up to SF so I won't miss the views. :-)
(02.15.10)I like the beached rowboat. Did you make the oar stroke marks in the sand? Very quirky. :)
(02.23.10)Thanks! They were actually already there when we got there, otherwise it would have been very tempting to sit inside the boat and add them in! :)
(02.25.10)Hey I worked on putting in those sculptures?? at 555 mission street plaza!!

looking at your blogs always makes me hungry... =)